School Websites- Consistency across the classes

She shoots…she scores!

Sometimes we are so proud of the work that is produced in crunch situations – that we have to brag! Day 16 of the new school year; Superintendent wants EVERY teacher to have their own web page to link to the new school website. Teachers are already overloaded – how to help?

Google Sites!

  1. Create a new google site – for more information about how to Create a Google Site – click here
  2. Customize the site by first choosing a template, then upload pictures or artwork that are school specific to change the Header Image on the Home Page and consecutive pages
  3. The theme Class has a second page for Schedule. Update Schedule with Calendar and embed the calendar from the school website
  4. Update the name with “COPY”
  5. Create a New Folder in Drive
  6. Move the newly created site “COPY” into that folder
  7. By right clicking on the COPY site, you can make a copy of the site you just created – make a copy for each teacher
  8. Update the name of each site with the teacher name
  9. Share the folder with all the teachers so they can easily see their site and start updating with personal information
  10. Each teacher has a site using the same template, consistency across the classes!