School Secretary Word for Windows Skills test sample

While browsing on the internet, I came across this sample test that a school district in Ohio uses as part of the interview process. 

The test is directed at three different levels of secretaries- the first level in my experience is for part-time secretaries or receptionists; next level could be attendance secretaries,  or department secretaries; the highest level – third level would be principal secretaries, or specialized roles (computer secretaries in charge of maintaining a data, usually in high schools).

The first level requires Basic Word skills such as:

  • Open and close a document  
  • Save a document
  • Change the format of text
  • Align text
  • Change page margins and orientation
  • Print specific pages
  • Adjust line spacing
  • Check spelling
  • Create a blank document
  • Set tab stops
  • Select text
  • Display formatting marks
  • Display ruler
  • Indent paragraphs
  • Go to specific page
  • Undo and redo actions
  • Zoom
  • Use Thesaurus

The next two levels require a knowledge of more advanced Word features such as:

  • Templates
  • Headers/Footers/Page Numbering
  • Tables – create and sort
  • Find and replace text
  • Move and insert text
  • Paragraph spacing
  • Apply borders
  • Mail Merge
  • Custom margins
  • Format Painter
  • Send to
  • Clip Art
  • Page and section breaks
  • Shading