one and done

Don’t be a One-and-Done!

Scenario: A teacher comes to the in-house expert in word processing – the school secretary – and asks for help in setting up and printing labels for her class.

AWESOME opportunity for relationship building, discovering what is going on in classrooms, etc.!

Be sure to welcome this interaction by not only walking the teacher through the process, but then be available for follow up. Encourage the teacher to inform you of their success or failure. Be a supportive friend, eager to share knowledge. If you hear nothing after the first instruction – check in – see how the teacher made out, or if they need more support. This follow through lets the teacher know that you are as invested in their success and their vision as they are!

If you get a new printer, or find a better/faster way – spread the wealth! The school secretary should be immersed in the school community. Establishing strong relationships keeps you informed of what’s going on in the building, making you an asset to the principal. By establishing yourself as the “go to” person, you establish your role in your school community. Keep ‘em coming back for more by being patient, supportive and positive!