Create a G-mail template

Many times front office staff find themselves sending the same email to different people – think “canned response”. Creating a template in Gmail makes the task much easier to manage. Once G-mail is open, select +Compose and start typing the subject, then the body of the email. Click on the three dots in the lower left hand to save the newly created email as a template. Notice the name of the template defaults to the text from the subject line.

When it comes time to use the template, simply select +Compose, then the three dots, then templates. The template will automatically populate. Since the signature line setting is set to appear for all new emails, whenever a new email is composed the signature line automatically is added. When the template was originally saved, the signature line was in the email, so when the template is used to create the new email, there are two signature lines. This can be easily edited to prevent that from happening – watch the video until the end to see HOW TO EDIT the template once it is created.