Warren School, Warren, CT is seeking a main office secretary. Click here to apply!

Add a personalized signature to Gmail
Add a personal signature in Gmail – makes it easy for the recipient to know who sent the email, gives them a point of reference, and makes contact information readily available. An electronic business card! Scroll down to Signature under …

Create checklists with Google Docs
Create a checklist in Google Docs

Happy 4th of July! Happy Summer!
World Password Day!!!
Info you need to see!
Create dropdown menus in Sheets!
Scenario:Students have earned some extra Enrichment time! Using a shared Google Sheet, teachers are going to sign up their students, but all the data needs to be uniform in order to make lists, badges, etc., and most of all, easy …
Job Opening
Litchfield Intermediate SchoolMain Office Secretary Looking for a great place to work? Opening for an elementary School Secretary (Grades 4-6) in Litchfield, CT. Click picture for more information!
Happy Administrative Professional’s Day!

Please accept this gift from Mrs. Office Lady! This is one of my favorite tools that I use! Click to download the free ebook: Mail Merge Mass Mailings in Minutes
Making a case for Data Conventions/Consistency
When entering data for our schools (or any organization, really), consistency ensures clean data. For anyone who has had to extract data from a database, it is a painful reality that the only consistent rule about data entry is that …

Ransomware – Beware!
What can I do to stop hackers? Change your password