By establishing yourself as the “go to” person, you establish your role in your school community.

Support for small offices
Support for small offices
By establishing yourself as the “go to” person, you establish your role in your school community.
We all learned tricks when we were younger to help us remember information. Think about learning to spell words with NO phonological rationale – so we learned “F-R-I-E-N-D” is the correct spelling because it is a “friend to the end”.
While some tricks do not have much relevance in our adult life – I am proud to say that I have mastered tying my shoes, so ” Over, under, around and through, Meet Mr. Bunny Rabbit, pull and through” is no longer a guiding light for me; there are others that still are a part of my world:
“Flu viruses are thought to spread mainly by droplets made when someone with the flu coughs, sneezes or talks. These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people nearby. A person also can get flu by touching something …
Schools divide their academic years into various marking periods. Some schools report grades four times a year, they would be considered quarters; while others operate on trimesters; reporting grades three times a year. Regardless of when your school schedules student …
Sitting at the front desk of the school may make you feel as though you are on display, with nowhere to hide. This is very true, but rather than feel as though you are the center of attention, the truth is you blend into the background. This is a good place to be.
Sitting quietly at your desk, focusing on your computer screen, oftentimes allows you to fade into the background. Office visitors – students, parents, teachers forget that not only can you see them, you can hear them as well.
I am not advising that you be the office snitch, but keeping an ear to the ground gives you an insight into what is really going on in a school. You may hear student’s discussions not meant for adult ears. Parents may be comparing notes about a school event offering true feedback that would otherwise go unheard. Teachers coming and going to mailboxes may drop subtle hints about feeling out of the loop, or maybe over-saturated with information.
Discretion is crucial, however, remember there are many different perspectives in a school community, and all should be considered. If you could offer a thoughtful insight about the minds of the school community, to the policy makers, you should.
The summer months pass very quickly! While most of the faculty and staff have been out for the summer, you have been at your desk closing out one year and setting up for another. Schools are all about community and …