Add a personal signature in Gmail – makes it easy for the recipient to know who sent the email, gives them a point of reference, and makes contact information readily available. An electronic business card! Scroll down to Signature under …
Quick tips to make your life easier
Create a G-mail template
Many times front office staff find themselves sending the same email to different people – think “canned response”. Creating a template in Gmail makes the task much easier to manage. Once G-mail is open, select +Compose and start typing the …
Create checklists with Google Docs
Create a checklist in Google Docs
Create dropdown menus in Sheets!
Scenario:Students have earned some extra Enrichment time! Using a shared Google Sheet, teachers are going to sign up their students, but all the data needs to be uniform in order to make lists, badges, etc., and most of all, easy …
School Websites- Consistency across the classes
She shoots…she scores! Sometimes we are so proud of the work that is produced in crunch situations – that we have to brag! Day 16 of the new school year; Superintendent wants EVERY teacher to have their own web page …
Making a case for Data Conventions/Consistency
When entering data for our schools (or any organization, really), consistency ensures clean data. For anyone who has had to extract data from a database, it is a painful reality that the only consistent rule about data entry is that …
Ransomware – Beware!
What can I do to stop hackers? Change your password
Quick housekeeping makes a big difference!
Home computer running a little slow? Borrowed laptop seem sluggish? I was getting frustrated with my new “work” computer and completely forgot – CLEAR THE CACHE! Once I cleared the cache on Chrome (the main browser I use), my machine …
Using Tables In Word
Excel is not the only software that features tables. If you are creating a Word document and want to use a table – you will be pleasantly surprised by how many functions you can use! One of the biggest uses …
Happy 2020
Happy New Year!