5 Ways to welcome back your teachers!

The summer months pass very quickly! While most of the faculty and staff have been out for the summer, you have been at your desk closing out one year and setting up for another.

Schools are all about community and teamwork – show that you are excited to be part of that team by welcoming back your teachers with any or all of these five easy and free gestures:

  1. Greet them with a quick summary of the changes that occurred over the summer such as: “Come check out the new bulletin board in the main  office! We’ll be looking for some artwork as the year goes on!” , or “What’s new? Anyone notice the cafeteria was painted yellow on wall – finally covered up the mural of tater-tots!”
  2. Make a photo list of their students.  Teachers love lists! Especially a list that has pictures of  their students! They’ll find a hundred ways to use it – and you’ll see them copying it again, and again, and again!
  3. Give each teacher a laminated copy of the district calendar. 
  4. Make a laminated reference sheet for each teacher with directions on how to use the copier, lamina-tor, binding machine, etc. – They love handouts that they can keep!
  5. Create a “help yourself” bin with office products you are either not using anymore, or were able to scavenge while custodians were doing their summer clean up!